Energy audit for large companies, enterprises and institutions

Pursuant to Article 22 (1) of Act LVII of 2015 on Energy Efficiency, large companies are obliged to have an energy audit carried out every four years in order to know the energy characteristics of their activities. According to this provision, large companies subject to the obligation must carry out an energy audit of the organisation's building stock, technological and logistical processes.

The company energy audit quantifies the savings potential and the resulting investments and includes the identification of the energy sources used in the company and their costs, the analysis of consumption trends, the analysis of the tied-up quotas, the identification of energy losses, the examination of more cost-effective energy use solutions and operating procedures, and the analysis of the potential for the use of renewable energy sources. An energy audit can be carried out independently of any legal obligation and is also reasonable for other energy-intensive companies, organisations and institutions.
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