Laser scanning

For a building with a large floor area or a need for a very detailed survey, the efficiency of the laser scanning survey is significantly improved. This is done using an instrument that emits laser light and can capture millions of points per minute, resulting in a 3D point cloud of reality.

The laser scanning process first produces a photorealistic point cloud, which allows a visual, walkable computer representation of the surveyed building, combined with real photographs. The next step is to model the point cloud, which can then be used to produce the sections and floor plans required for architects' design tasks. Field data collection is extremely fast and essentially fully automated. The second step, modelling and processing, is a very meticulous, time-consuming, highly skilled and currently only partially automated task.

  • Fast and accurate measurements
  • Automated measurement
  • Millions of measurement points
  • Creates a point cloud that is easy to manage and model
  • Also suitable for non-destructive testing and surveys
  • More accurate survey of listed buildings
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